3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Training Shotokan Karate
A Healthy Mind
Someone with a healthy mind
keeps the brain exercised regularly, and stress and worry are kept at bay by
choice. Positive thoughts, gratitude, and a feeling of joy are present, and there
is a thirst for knowledge and learning. Just like the brain requires sleep
every night, the brain also requires things to think about and to ponder.
A Healthy Body
A healthy body is free of
disease and illness, and it is not riddled with pain. Bodily health is also
made possible by a healthy diet, good nutrition, and regular exercise.
A healthy body naturally
wants to move and seeks activity. Maintaining physical health also includes
keeping regular checkups with your primary care doctor in order to prevent
illness, or to detect it and treat it right away if a disease does exist.
A Healthy Spirit
Being spiritual is being
centered and having an understanding that you are part of something much bigger
than yourself. Facilitating a healthy spirit includes being part of a community
to share yourself with others, and to give without expecting anything tangible
in return. A healthy spirit requires love.